LEGION Model Builder Help


Queues simulate the activity of people queuing for services like cash machines, or ticket counters. You can set their position, how visible they are to your Entities, the angle at which the Queue grows and the ‘rigidity’ of the developed Queue (that is, how willing the queuing Entities are to let non-queuing Entities pass through the line). Queues can also be included in Queue Groups (see Queue Groups ).

Queues have a ‘Direction of Growth’, a ‘Region of Visibility’ and a ‘Zone of Influence’. They can receive links from other objects but can only be linked to Delay Points. Each Queue must be linked to a Delay Point for it to function properly.

LEGION Model Builder provides you with the tools to create three types of queue:

  • Single Queue to single service point–one Queue leading to one service point, like a queue for a cash machine.
  • Single Queue to multiple service points–one Queue serviced by multiple service points. Entities wait at the head of the Queue until a service point becomes available, like a queue in a post office.
  • Grouped single Queues to single service points–a series of single Queues, each serving their own individual service point and offering the same service. Each service point has its own queue but Entities decide which queue to join, like queues for supermarket checkouts. This type of Queue is covered in Queue Groups .
Note: Service points are modelled by using Delay Point objects.